My coworker Meg recently told me I was a blog-hoarder. Oh lawdy, has it gotten to that point? I guess so, 'cause she said that after I proposed another blog idea.
That being said, I may try for a while to consolidate my blogging to Pieces of Pi, the original blog I had been going with. My problem is I get niche ideas and create new blogs for them, but I'm just a scattered person, and maybe I only need one blog for all the scattered randomnesses. Maybe I can't create a niche blog. So for now... go there.
Love you all!! I maybe come back and turn this one around into something else: like... the online gallery??? :D

I'm a graphic designer, fine artist/ illustrator, and photographer from Atlanta. But in reality, deep down, I'm just a dreamer and a child. If, for whatever reason, you want to get a hold of me, feel free to email! jcadence[at]gmail[dot]com
The Back Log
Dream Fragments
- awesomenesses (4)
- creativity (2)
- creatures (1)
- dream[ME] (4)
- fingerween (3)
- from me to you (2)
- happy bruises (1)
- horse (3)
- illustrations (3)
- music (1)
- photos (9)
- ratties (6)
- reviews (1)
- share the love (1)
- things I make (2)
- thought (2)
- tiny bits of awesomeness (3)
- video (1)
- work (4)
- writing (1)
- yum (1)
- z-dreams (1)